This is actually from last summer. You could prorbly add 10 or so pounds to the large one down there.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another First

I woke up this morning and just laid there as both kids crawled in to bed with us. I resisted getting up till about 8:30. Jenny had to work at the Artbarn at 5 this evening so we had most of the day together.

I'm going to talk a bit about today because it effects the night so bare with me. We had some errands to run and decided to go early so we wouldn't feel rushed. The kids were hungry so we decided on IHOP. I really try to eat fairly healthy, my instructions from the food counselor were to log my food, not control it. At my meeting with her she said the we were going to learn to identify the voice of rationalization for eating and it was there today. "Rob, your gonna be dieting soon so eat what you want today." and I did. The last errand we ran was Sam's. I'm not sure if you've eaten a combo at Sam's buts it's not bad. Jenny and I shared a piece of pizza for lunch. Then we went home.

Jenny and I worked around the house until it was time for her to go in to work. When she left it was just the kids and me. We played and did laundry all night. As I sit on the couch blogging about yesterday I started to feel guilty for not exercising. I watched the Olympics and read my Bible. In the Disciple class I'm taking we are studying Exodus. One of the questions in the workbook asked about something I've been delivered from. Now it might be a bit of a stretch, but.... I am being delivered from my belly... wow! Was God trying to tell me something?????

It was about this time Lauren came in and told me she'd finished her chores, and asked to play Wii Fit. I had promised her she could play when she was done and I set it up for her. As I sat there watching and wishing I was under the weight limit so I could play, I said enough is enough.

Lets back up to the fall of 2007. Jenny and I were shopping for a treadmill. My best friend Klynn told me I was buying an expensive clothes hanger. I said no way!!! This is all that's stopping me from looking like Brad Pitt. If I have this thing in front of the t.v. at home I'll be on it every day. I used it once. To Jenny's credit she used it far more than me. Fast forward to February 2008, we bought the house we live in now. My buddies Jason and Trey helped me move the heavy cumbersome thing. We put it in the Master bedroom so that we could use it everyday.

Again let's fast forward to 10pm tonight. After deciding if I was going to MAKE IT STICK, and heading all the signs and guilt I was feeling I went to the bedroom. I took all the clothes off the $800 clothes hanger. I searched for the little magnetic key that makes it go. I blew the dust off the control panel. I walked briskly for 30 minutes covering just under 2 miles. I feel great. I will be on that Wii fit in no time!

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