Can you say Jello? Well Wed. was the second first. The first meeting with Jeremy, the trainer that I will be working with. I arrived at the gym, checked in and got a key for a locker. I told them that I was to meet Jeremy and he was paged to the front. Jeremy came up front, we greeted each other and he showed me where the locker room was. I went and put my stuff in the locker room and returned to the gym area.
As I looked around I felt a bit out of place. Here were all these guys in here working out, most have arms the size of Hulk Hogan's Pythons. These guys are banging serious weight. The guys that didn't look like Lou Ferrigno were in shape and cruising on a treadmill or other tortuous apparatus like it was nothing. I saw a few other guys like myself, you know, the guys that were just starting our transformation, this made me fill better.
After I made my brief observation of the place Jeremy came over to meet me. I knew I was in trouble with the next words out of his mouth... "there's no other way for me to say this, today is gonna hurt!". ......I responded, "huh?". I was actually ready for this. I like to use cliches, and the one I will use here is one that was painted on the wall of my high school's weight room. "Pain is temporary, Pride is forever." I knew that the pain that I was about to feel would be the beginning of a transformation. Before we started he explained that we will do legs one day upper body one day. Because I was only gonna have one workout this week it was going to be a whole body workout.
Jeremy took me around the gym and had me do different exercises. I worked biceps, triceps, chest, abs, shoulders and legs. With each exercise I described my "discomfort" at the end of each. Some I started a bit to easy, so we had to add more resistance. Resistance is the word he used.... what he really meant is make it harder. I realized I was not doing enough of a workout unless at the end of each workout, the body part being worked out, felt like Jello.
There were some tough ones in there, I never realized that 25 1b dumbbells could whip me the way they did. Probably the most hurt I did was the lunges. If you don't know what a lunge is I will explain. You take a step a big step with your right foot. When you step out you go down as to touch your left knee to the ground. You pop up, and step with your left foot, touching your right foot to the ground. And you have just done 1. Now repeat the process 20 times, relax, start over, relax, start over. At the end of this particular exercise I felt like jello. The 6" step up to the water foutain must have been a 48" step. I felt like a new born colt standing for the first time. My legs and knees wobbled and shook I must have been a sight. I was thinking man, as I get smaller and lose weight I will have less "Resistance", so it will only get easier. I was then informed that eventually you get to hold dumbbells as you do. Woo Hooo, I can't wait.
At the end of the night, I felt like Jello. Jeremy said to do some cardio on my off days, and I will. I hobbled and wobbled out to the truck and went home. That night as i sit in a hot bath, (one of the first times I've used that thing, no wonder Jenny likes it) I reflected on everything. You know it feels good to feel a bit of pain and discomfort. I like it. Reminds me of the feeling after 2 a days in high school, it's a good thing. We will see what the next few days will bring (IE. how sore I will be). But I am sure that I will MAKE IT STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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