This is actually from last summer. You could prorbly add 10 or so pounds to the large one down there.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Don't Be That Guy

Today was tough. The alarm went off 30 min. earlier than usual this morning. I don't want to put what time that is because I know a lot of people get up much earlier than I do every morning. In fact I got up earlier than that with my last job but I am now spoiled. As the alarm was going off I hit snooze several times. I thought about scrapping the whole treadmill thing. In my bed I made several excuses... 1. I'm tired 2. Jack crawled into bed with us at 3am and I don't want to wake him up this early 3. nobody will know 4. I hurt..... so what did i do? Well I thought about my goal. I thought about the people that are following me at church and other places. I thought about this blog. Last night I said that I will be getting on the treadmill and that's what I did. I am honest on here. I don't plan to stop now. There will be times that maybe I don't do as plan.... but I wasn't going to start today.

Today was the day, that if I wasn't on the program that I'm on; and didn't have an accountability system.... I may have stopped. I would like to think that I wouldn't have given up, I would like to have more faith in myself... but history speaks for its self. On the treadmill I wanted to get off. I thought at 10.....15.....20 minutes... this is enough. I though at least I did something today. I wanted off. I stayed on.

At work today I was sore. My legs and my arms hurt from Monday's workout. I think that every time I stood up at work I groaned. I didn't want to become the workout guy. You know what I'm talking about. "I'm sore, working out you know", or "every time I workout I hurt", " man I hut from working out", you can make up your own quotes form here, but I don't want to be that guy. I hate to say this but I may have been unemployed guy this summer. I was laid off in April and didn't get hired till August. I realized one day that I seemed to bring up the fact that I was laid off in many conversations. I think i was that guy! Definitely don't want to be him now.

After work I met with the nutrition counselor. We went over my food log and did some talking. Right now I have three assignment's for homework. 1. Eat a carb and a protein for breakfast. This starts the body off the right way. It will help with hunger throughout the day. Peanut butter on wheat toast. An egg on toast. Beans in a whole wheat tortilla. these are some of the suggestions. Also fruit in the morning is a good thing. Number 2. Slow down while I eat. Savor the food and take my time when I eat. this is easier said than done. I have tried before and my wife is always telling me to slow down. And 3. is to leave food on the plate. When I was growing up my dad had a saying. "don't let your eyes be bigger than your stomach". If I put food on a plate I better eat every bit of it. To this day I can't leave food on a plate. If' I'm full I keep eating till the plate is empty. This is just a brief blurb about our meeting. Anyone that reads this and wants to know more feel free to ask in the comments are shoot me an email. Also my counselor will be holding nutrition classes every other Monday starting March 8.

When I left nutrition class I went to the Lent services at church. It was a great prayerful services. I am really finding strength and peace in God's word lately. Not only for working out but also life. After church I headed back to the gym for my meeting with Jeremy.

I'm going to be honest. I didn't want to go. I am sore (not as sore now as last week) I am also tired. I am ready for my workout and diet to just be a part of my life. You know just something that I do. Right now even with my family, work, church, etc. my life seems to be centered around working out. I know its because I just started, and things will be easier soon, I just need to get to that point. I like to think that I can just change the way I think and not put so much emphasis on this program, and just do it, but I can't. For me this is truly a lifestyle change and that is what makes it tough. Even though I want it, it will take time to get to that point. But lifestyle changes are the only way to MAKE IT STICK.........

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