This is actually from last summer. You could prorbly add 10 or so pounds to the large one down there.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Busy Day, Not Much New

Today has been a great day. I got up early and met my guys from life group up at J.J. Mocha's. Had my weekly coffee and talked about life. I don't know what the deal is. I don't like coffee. I never have liked coffee. My parents don't drink coffee. I married a girl that drinks coffee and have never jumped on the band wagon. Here's the twist. Back during the summer Jenny asked me to go to Starbucks while I was running errands. While talking to the barista I told her I only like coffee when it's so sweet it doesn't taste like coffee. She made me a caramel macchiato and it was good. It is the only coffee I drink and I love it. In fact I have turned my good friend and co-teacher Christine on to them. She was a non coffee drinker who loves the Starbucks. Where does this fit into the Biggest Winner? Last night at the nutrition counselor's office, she noticed on my food log that on Thursday morning I had a Cinnamon roll and a Caramel mach. I was told that I had to choose one or the other. I went with the coffee.

In my coffee group there are three other guys. We are all in the same life group with our spouses. Several of us guys meet now for a men's study on Thurs. Today we started a study by Tony Dungee called Dare to be Uncommon. I think it will be pretty good. The first lesson is on forming a solid core. I look forward to the next lessons. The only thing I don't enjoy is getting up to meet the guys at 6 am, Man that's early for me.

I tried to eat the morning food as instructed. For breakfast I had wheat toast and peanut butter, accompanied by a boiled egg. Umm Umm Good. I am really hungry now. I am really trying to be good but I must say; here we are at 10 pm, and the Blue Bell in the freezer is really calling me name.

This evening I had really planned on going to the gym. But here's the deal (don't judge me)! Last night I met Jeremy at 8 pm. It was 9 30 ish when I got home... kids asleep. This morning I left the house at 5 45 am. Kids asleep when I left. I then went to work. I picked Jack up and we hung out till Jenny got home at 7 pm. Now I had a choice, I could go to the gym or see my kids for a while. I told Jenny I would eat supper first. I ate supper, helped bathe the kids, told bed time stories, read books, played, and put them to bed. It's then 9 pm. I'm tired. I don't want to change. I don't want to leave. So I didn't. But I got on the treadmill here at the house.... Tricked you, you didn't think that I did it did ya? Well I did. I prefer the gym. I don't want to get burned out on the treadmill. I hate the treadmill. I much prefer the elliptical or the bike; however, the treadmill is nice because its at home and I can exercise in my boxers and tennis shoes. Ha Ha.

I was told today by a friend that this blog isn't funny enough. I didn't put much effort in to making this one funny either... sorry. I will try to improve and be witty and funny. Like I said on my first post, there is just to much pressure to writing this. Be funny, interesting, honest, insightful. Hopefully I hit at least a couple of these each time. In parting though since I am not funny I will leave you with a joke. I don't plan on doing many jokes but Francine says I have to be funny....so here goes. A guy walks into a bar.... Ouch!!!!!!!!!!11

1 comment:

  1. I think it's funny, interesting, honest, and insightful so keep it up! In fact, I'm reading your blog at work and my coworker keeps asking me what is so funny. :)
